…The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Georgia… Kinchafoonee Creek near Preston (SR 41) affecting Terrell and Webster Counties. * WHAT…Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is
* WHAT…For the Coastal Flood Advisory, minor coastal flooding expected. For the High Surf Advisory, large breaking waves of 18 to 22 feet expected. * WHERE…For the Coastal Flood Advisory,
* WHAT…Seas 4 to 6 ft. * WHERE…The coastal waters from Duck to Oregon Inlet. * WHEN…Until noon EST today. * IMPACTS…Conditions will be hazardous to small craft.
…The National Weather Service in Tallahassee FL has issued a Flood Warning for the following rivers in Florida… Apalachicola River near Blountstown affecting Liberty, Franklin, Calhoun and Gulf Counties. *