…The Flood Warning continues for the following bayous in Texas…
Angelina River Near Lufkin affecting Angelina, Cherokee and
Nacogdoches Counties.
For the Angelina River…including Alto, Lufkin…Minor flooding is
* WHAT…Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast.
* WHERE…Angelina River near Lufkin.
* WHEN…Until further notice.
* IMPACTS…At 165.0 feet, Expect flooding to continue for several
days with the majority of the gravel access roadway flooded.
Boaters and four wheel-operators should use caution traversing
both upstream and downstream on the Angelina River as currents can
become swift and turbulent.
– At 9:30 PM CST Wednesday the stage was 163.9 feet.
– Bankfull stage is 158.5 feet.
– Recent Activity…The maximum river stage in the 24 hours
ending at 9:30 PM CST Wednesday was 164.2 feet.
– Forecast…The river is expected to fall to 162.4 feet Monday
– Flood stage is 161.0 feet.
– http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood