Flood Warning issued January 1 at 7:14PM CST until January 2 at 9:00AM CST by NWS Lincoln IL


Jan 1, 2025

…The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in

Little Wabash River below Clay City affecting Richland and Clay

.The following forecasts are based on observed precipitation, soil
moisture conditions, and forecast precipitation.

* WHAT…Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast.

* WHERE…Little Wabash River below Clay City.

* WHEN…Until late tomorrow morning.

* IMPACTS…At 18.5 feet, Wilcox Bridge Lane floods just east of the
Little Wabash River near the gage location. Blueflower Lane
southeast of the gage begins to flood.

– At 6:45 PM CST Wednesday the stage was 18.7 feet.
– Recent Activity…The maximum river stage in the 24 hours
ending at 6:45 PM CST Wednesday was 19.8 feet.
– Forecast…The river is expected to fall below flood stage
late tonight and continue falling to 9.2 feet Monday evening.
– Flood stage is 18.0 feet.
– http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood
