Flood Warning issued December 29 at 10:10AM PST until January 1 at 4:00PM PST by NWS Medford OR


Dec 29, 2024

…The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Oregon…

Coquille River at Coquille affecting Coos County.

For the Coquille River…including Coquille…Moderate flooding is

* WHAT…Moderate flooding is occurring and moderate flooding is
forecast. The river crest approaches major flood, peaking just
below 25 ft.

* WHERE…Coquille River at Coquille.

* WHEN…Until Wednesday afternoon.

* IMPACTS…At 25.0 feet, Some homes are flooded along and near the
Coquille River. Roads are flooded in spots in low-lying areas near
the Coquille River.

– At 9:45 AM PST Sunday the stage was 23.2 feet.
– Bankfull stage is 20.0 feet.
– Recent Activity…The maximum river stage in the 24 hours
ending at 9:45 AM PST Sunday was 23.3 feet.
– Forecast…The river will oscillate above flood stage with a
maximum value of 24.7 feet just after midnight tonight. It
will fall below flood stage early Wednesday morning.
– Flood stage is 21.0 feet.
– Flood History…This crest compares to a previous crest of
24.9 feet on 12/07/1981.
– http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood
