Flood Warning issued December 20 at 6:48PM CST by NWS Little Rock AR


Dec 20, 2024

…The Flood Warning is extended for the following river in

Cache River Near Patterson affecting Woodruff and Jackson

For the Cache River…including Patterson…Minor flooding is

* WHAT…Minor flooding is forecast.

* WHERE…Cache River near Patterson.

* WHEN…From Saturday morning until further notice.

* IMPACTS…At 8.0 feet, Low swampy timberland along the river
begins to flood.
At 9.0 feet, Low swampy timberland along the river begins to
flood. Flood gates should be closed and equipment moved out of the
low grounds along the river and tributaries.
At 10.0 feet, Pastureland and cropland not protected by levees in
Jackson and Woodruff counties affected. Water is over portions of
State Highway 37 and deep along the shoulders of State Highway 18
near Grubbs. Water over portions of Woodruff County Road 775 north
of State Highway 260.

– At 6:15 PM CST Friday the stage was 8.5 feet.
– Forecast…The river is expected to rise above flood stage
tomorrow morning and continue rising to 10.0 feet Tuesday
morning. Additional rises are possible thereafter.
– Flood stage is 9.0 feet.
– http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood
