…The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in
Cache River Near Patterson affecting Jackson and Woodruff
For the Cache River…including Patterson…Minor flooding is
* WHAT…Minor flooding is forecast.
* WHERE…Cache River near Patterson.
* WHEN…From Saturday afternoon until further notice.
* IMPACTS…At 9.0 feet, Low swampy timberland along the river
begins to flood. Flood gates should be closed and equipment moved
out of the low grounds along the river and tributaries.
– At 6:15 PM CST Wednesday the stage was 6.7 feet.
– Forecast…The river is expected to rise above flood stage
Saturday afternoon and continue rising to 9.5 feet Monday
morning. Additional rises are possible thereafter.
– Flood stage is 9.0 feet.
– http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood